Wednesday, July 28, 2010

FreeBSD Serial (14): shell set

Command interpreter shell is most closely related with the user application, the user primarily through the shell using the system. After each log, they launched a user interaction with the shell, the shell will give a prompt waiting for user input, (sh for the "$", csh as "%", if it is to use root user, the login prompt symbol will be "#"), and then interpret the implementation of the user's input.
FreeBSD's base system can be used in shell two: sh and csh. The two basic shell is not the same style, different users often come under the preferences to choose between the two. Of course, the current shell process better choice available to users, these follow-up of the shell are under sh or csh style further developed, so it can be said in the shell, there are also two styles, require the user according to their own use used to choose.
For the administrator to be, to use a different shell as the user set up the basic environment, we must understand these two styles of shell set up. System log, sh will be the first implementation of the / etc / profile file for each user to set the basic environment, csh will use the / etc / csh.cshrc, csh.login and csh.logout csh as a system resource file. Implementation of the system-level log file, each user's shell on the user's home directory to find the resources the user personal files: sh to use. Profile files, csh use. Login and. Cshrc file. These resource files are using the appropriate shell language, / etc / profile and personal directory. Profile use sh-style control language, / etc / cshrc and personal directory. Login,. Cshrc use csh-style control language. System administrators can change these resource files to provide users with the most convenient use of the environment. Of course, there is no need to go directly to the system administrator to edit your home directory of resources and documents that should be managed by users themselves, but the system administrator account can be when generating the default for the user generated resource files, resource files in order to reduce the user Shezhi trouble. adduser command default to use / usr / share / skel files in a variety of resource files to provide users with the default settings, apart from this directory into the shell's resource file, you can also add other applications of the resource file . Because these resource files are hidden files to point at the beginning, in order to express clearly, in the skel directory, using a conversion method, such as the use dot.profile as. Profile template.
# Ls / usr / share / skel
dot.cshrc dot.mail_aliases dot.rhosts
dot.login dot.mailrc dot.shrc
dot.login_conf dot.profile
In / usr / share / skel for the user to set the default configuration file, the user-generated, the user will not affect the. Therefore, modifications to the system log files more effective and direct. For sh-style user can change the / etc / profile file, and csh should be changed / etc / csh.cshrc file. Changes in these documents can use shell environment variables, so to change the shell's behavior, or perform a series of automatic operation, the completion of some users to log on automatically when the task.
Commonly used environment variables:
EDITOR Editor to set the user commonly used, many programs view this variable to start a specific editor, the situation can change according to the system
HOME User's home directory name, this variable set by the login procedure, generally do not need to change
DISPLAYX use this environment variable to identify the specific display location, the format for the "Computer name: X server serial number. Display serial number", such as: xt1: 0.0, it does not need to define in the resource file
LANG system uses the language for localization of the system, the default is "C", specific settings can view / usr / share / locale directory, where the definition of the different languages, you can set it to zh_CN.EUC to make some software to use Chinese characters.
MAIL location of the user mail file, do not need to change
PATH uses a series of colon-separated path, the system uses to find specific executable program, so this variable is very important, can change the value of the specific situation. For security reasons, not to the current directory search path as the implementation of the program, especially for root. This startup programs in the current directory, need to add the path, for example, to start the current directory a.out program, enter ". / A.out".
MANPATH using a series of colon-separated path, the system uses to find the specific command-line manual, set the same methods and PATH.
PS1sh style shell using the variable value as the prompt, the default value is "$" (root for the "#"). More modern sh prompt to enhance the flexibility, you can prompt to add the current directory, user name, machine name, order number and so on.
PS2sh shell style variables to use this as a follow-up prompt, prompt the command has not been fully entered, the default is ">"
TERM Terminal type, the need for full-screen operation procedure is very important. Sometimes adjust the settings according to the situation.
TZ time zone settings, the specific time zone information in / usr / share / zoneinfo directory, need to set the standard for the local time zone value
The user's shell can be set for specific applications, to achieve the limit users on a special purpose. For example, just to give the user an e-mail, but do not want to give him the right to use the terminal, you can change the user's shell to / bin / true or other immediate exit procedures. For security purposes, users should be a non-existent shell holes binaries, it is best not to use an interpreted language script as login shell. Because the system is approved by shell procedures / etc / shells file listed in the program, the special user's shell is set to specific applications, but these applications not included in the shells file, then the user will be some applications to differentiate between ordinary users to refuse to provide services. Ftp server programs such as ftpd, by checking the user's shell is not the standard shell, to distinguish the user is normal user or users for a particular purpose.
Note that the user can not easily change the root shell, because it may cause root can not login properly, and so is unable to perform system maintenance. Even the root of the shell to change to other newer, stronger and features a standard shell, such as bash or tcsh, it should not be. Although the shell is very mature shell, still should not use them as a root of the shell. Main reason is that these shell generally has not been installed to the root partition, then when the system into single-user state, problems can arise. Another shell may be as a result of these upgrades and other reasons, and occasionally the formation of faults, causing root can not login properly. In addition, these non-standard shell does not come from the installation disk in the system, and therefore the existence of shell sources of security and trust issues, we must ensure that these shell is not changed by the attacker's version. If you want to use them to provide a convenience feature shell can be used in the system log after the full path to execute them.
* Configure user shell
In fact sh and csh, not the best choice for general users, as the two shell in the ease of use is not good enough to do, such as command line editing is not strong, can not use the hot key repeat orders. Relatively new shell, such as bash and tcsh have these user-friendly features, but these shell procedures must be installed after the ordinary user's shell to change the settings to use the shell program. Change the user's shell can use pw, vipw or chsh.
The two were in accordance with sh and csh shell style, so you can choose style preferences csh tcsh, and sh-style choices like bash. In addition to the two shell, there is ksh, zsh and other shell available. If the two shell no preference, you can choose bash, it is a GNU software, sh powerful than the standard multi.
Use two more enhanced shell, users can use the shell command-line editing. According to different habits, you can choose vi or emacs-style editing style means the default is emacs mode, this way, use the arrow keys to go back over the order execution, and modify the letter of the command to use vi style editing keys , such as using h, j, k, l four keys to move the cursor, vi-style benefit is not used outside of basic keyboard controls, which can be applied to any terminal equipment, and edit basic keyboard without having to leave when the hand , after proficiency in the most efficient. emacs style is more suitable than the vi style shift from the personal computer habits of Unix users. bash, ksh, zsh use the following command in emacs and vi style switch style:
bash $ set-o emacs
bash $ set-o vi
tcsh use different commands:
% Bind emacs
% Bind vi
Frequently used commands can also set an alias to simplify user input, such as:
bash $ alias ec = "echo This is a alias"
bash $ ec
This is a alias
shell for another user's ability to operate auto-complete command or file name of the function, as FreeBSD, the file name may be long, will they all input much trouble. In fact you can enter part of the name, then press the Tab key (vi style in the press under the Esc key twice in a row), shell will automatically fill the remainder of the full file name. If you have already entered this part of the name can not determine the specific order or document, then the shell will be able to identify only part of make up, and then notify the user to enter the ring with clear and specific documents.
In fact even in the basic under sh or csh, you can also use the "*" and other special characters, use the pattern matching approach to simplify the input.
bash $ cd / usr / local
bash $ pwd
/ Usr / local
Most Unix programs are available in the pattern matching processing capacity, while the shell's pattern matching functions most commonly used. shell can use these special mode to configure multiple files, to simplify operations purposes. If you are familiar with Unix, must have the pattern matching.
When trying to bash when typing Chinese characters, in addition to the terminal property must be set to accept 8-bit characters other than (Executive stty pass8 command), also need to set the bash of the input and output conversion, you can logon script. Profile file includes the following settings:
bind''set convert-meta off''
bind''set meta-flag on''
bind''set output-meta on''

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Deutsche Post's revelation

Editor's note: under the protection of the government monopoly, Deutsche Post over the 500 years of worry-free. When it suddenly burst into the free market economy, have to go through from the product to the customer as the center of Nirvana. Deutsche Post has 30 years of computing experience, moved the mathematician Hari a project manager to help them address these difficult issues.

Under the protection of the government monopoly, Deutsche Post over the 500 years of worry-free. When it suddenly burst into the free market economy, have experienced some from a product-centric to customer-centric as Nirvana.

Deutsche Post headquarters in Bonn giant Deutsche Post World Net (German Post) lost as a government enterprise cover the head of the ring - it turned into a for profit private enterprise.

The company's main activities include: mail delivery, logistics and financial services. Privatized German postal service has grown rapidly, the 2000 turnover of more than 30 billion U.S. dollars. The company also adopted in the United States, Europe and Asia to buy companies, strive to become world-class delivery company.

But Deutsche Post fully aware that in order to achieve profit and sales targets, it must have a very important for all enterprises strategic asset - a deep understanding of the customer. In addition, Deutsche Post in Germany alone has 450 local delivery on the base, more than 80,000 business customers every day to deal with two million parcels. If you do not have a good way to quickly and efficiently handle the huge volume of business to track brought a lot of data, Deutsche Post will face serious logistical problems.

Deutsche Post has 30 years of computing experience, moved the mathematician Hari S. Chakrovertty a project manager to help them address these difficult issues.

Proof of Concept

Deutsche Post in 1998, started the project, in fact, the whole project began as a quality management solution. At that time, cargo department want to establish a quality system to obtain the key performance indicators. Chakrovertty proposed data warehouse should be established rather than the quality measurement system, because it can provide, including quality management, including more features.

In the assessment phase, Chakrovertty and his colleagues selected Teradata as a database because it is a decision support areas have been widely accepted and used in the database. Deutsche Post's original strategy of using a single database is Oracle, all legacy systems using Oracle database. And together with Deutsche Post's IT department, Chakrovertty started proof of concept, complete with the original data, a standard inspection procedures. The pilot convinced the company's management.

In the proof of concept stage, Chakrovertty assess the basic feasibility of the system.渚嬪锛屾槸鍚﹀彲浠ュ湪澶滈棿涓庤璐︾郴缁熺殑鍏跺畠鏁版嵁涓?捣鍔犺浇骞惰浆鎹簨浠舵暟鎹?寰峰浗閭斂姣忓ぉ瑕佸鐞嗕簩鐧句竾涓寘瑁癸紝绯荤粺蹇呴』淇濊瘉杩欎簺鍖呰9鐨勮窡韪暟鎹兘鑳藉疄鏃跺姞杞斤紝Chakrovertty璇达細鈥滄垜浠笇鏈涘湪涓ゅ埌涓夊皬鏃跺唴瀹屾垚銆傚鏋滈渶瑕?0灏忔椂锛屽氨涓嶅お鐞嗘兂銆傜粨鏋滄垜浠湪涓ゅ埌涓夊皬鏃跺唴鍚戠郴缁熷姞杞戒簡浠ュ墠涓変釜鏈堢殑鏁版嵁銆傗?


銆??绗簩涓洜绱犳槸鎴愰暱鎬э紝寰峰浗閭斂闇?涓?釜鍙互瀛樺偍3骞存暟鎹噺鐨勭郴缁燂紝鑰屾瘡骞寸殑鏁版嵁閲忎负3TB銆?br />
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浠庘?0鈥濆埌鈥?鈥?br />


銆??绗?闃舵鏄粠1999骞?鏈堝埌7鏈堬紝杩欎竴闃舵鐨勫伐浣滄槸涓鸿川閲忛儴闂ㄨ璁?0涓姤琛ㄥ拰涓昏缁╂晥鎸囨爣銆傚湪杩欎箣鍚庯紝椤圭洰缁勮繘琛屼簡鏁版嵁娓呯悊宸ヤ綔銆傛瘡澶╂櫄涓婏紝椤圭洰缁勪粠璁稿鍍廠AP璁拌处淇℃伅绯荤粺杩欐牱鐨勭郴缁熶腑閲囬泦鏁版嵁锛屽苟灏嗗叾鍔犺浇鍒版暟鎹粨搴撲腑锛屼粬浠彂鐜板巻鍙查仐鐣欑郴缁熸湁鏃朵細浜х敓閿欒鏁版嵁銆傚湪璇嗗埆鍖呰9鏃朵篃鏈夎澶氶棶棰橈紝鍥犱负鍘熺郴缁熸病鏈夊崟涓?殑鍖呰9鏍囪瘑銆傚弽澶嶆祴璇曡姳璐逛簡涓?簺鏃堕棿锛屽埌1999骞村簳锛岄」鐩粍瀹屾垚浜嗘暟鎹竻鐞嗗伐浣滐紝姣忓ぉ鍔犺浇鍒扮郴缁熶腑鐨勬暟鎹兘鏄纭湁鏁堢殑锛屽寘鎷璐﹀拰涓㈠け鎹熷潖淇℃伅銆?br />
銆??绱ф帴鐫?紑濮嬩簡绗?闃舵锛屼粠2000 骞?鏈堝埌10鏈?椤圭洰缁勪负璐ㄩ噺绠$悊鍜岄攢鍞缓绔嬩簡璁稿鍒嗘瀽鐭╅樀銆?br />


銆??Chakrovertty璁や负濡傛灉灏嗘暟鎹泦涓埌涓?捣锛屽苟鏁欎細浜轰滑濡備綍浣跨敤 OLAP锛堝湪绾垮垎鏋愬鐞嗙郴缁燂級鍜屾姤琛ㄥ伐鍏凤紝浠栦滑灏卞彲浠ヨ嚜宸辫繘琛屽垎鏋愶紝涔熷氨涓嶅啀闇? IT 閮ㄩ棬浜嗐?浣嗘槸璁╂瘡涓汉鐞嗚В鏁版嵁骞剁煡閬撳浣曡繘琛屽垎鏋愬苟涓嶅鏄擄紝鑺辫垂鐨勬椂闂存瘮棰勮鐨勮闀裤?

銆??椤圭洰缁勪粠1999骞?鏈堝紑濮嬪煿璁紝涓?洿鍒?000骞村勾涓?杩欐椂闂存鍐咃紝鍑犱箮姣忎釜閮ㄩ棬閮藉煿鍏讳簡琚О涓衡?瓒呯骇鐢ㄦ埛鈥濈殑鍛樺伐锛屼粬浠槸鍏虫敞鐨勭劍鐐瑰苟鑳藉鐢熸垚鎶ヨ〃銆?br />


銆??鐩墠姣忓ぉ鏈?00涓敤鎴蜂娇鐢ㄨ繖濂楃郴缁燂紝浠呰川閲忛儴闂ㄦ瘡澶╁氨澶х害鐢熸垚 1200 涓姤琛紝鑰屼互鍓嶈川閲忛儴闂ㄦ瘡涓湀鎵嶄骇鐢熶竴涓姤琛ㄣ?

銆??杩愯惀閮ㄩ棬宸茬粡浣跨敤鏈郴缁熶袱骞翠簡锛屽洜涓轰粬浠槸绗竴涓笇鏈涘寤惰繜鍜屽浣曢伩鍏嶅欢杩熷仛鍑哄垎鏋愮殑閮ㄩ棬銆?br />
銆??钀ラ攢閮ㄩ棬鍒氬垰寮?浣跨敤杩欎釜绯荤粺銆備粬浠鍒掓牴鎹暟鎹粨搴撲骇鐢熺殑瀹㈡埛缁嗗垎甯傚満鏁版嵁寮?睍鐩撮偖娲诲姩銆?br />

銆??閫氳繃杩欏绯荤粺锛屽痉鍥介偖鏀垮湪鍔姏浜嗚В瀹㈡埛涔嬮棿鐨勫樊寮傘?涓嶆槸姣忎釜鍥句功閿?敭浼佷笟閮戒竴鏍枫?渚嬪锛屼竴浜涘浘涔﹂攢鍞紒涓氬嚭鍞殑CD姣斿浘涔﹀锛涜繖涓紒涓氶?杩囦簰鑱旂綉鍑哄敭鍥句功锛岄偅涓嵈娌℃湁銆傝繖浜涘鎴峰崈宸竾鍒紝鑰屽痉鍥介偖鏀胯兘澶熸彁渚涗釜鎬у寲鏈嶅姟銆?br />

銆??鏁版嵁浠撳簱绯荤粺鍦ㄥ痉鍥介偖鏀跨殑鍟嗕笟鎴樼暐涓紝鐗瑰埆鏄湪瀹冨悜鍏跺畠鍥藉鎵╁紶涓紝鎵?捣鍒扮殑浣滅敤鏄法澶х殑銆傛墍鏈夌殑鍒嗗叕鍙告垨鍒嗘敮鏈烘瀯浣跨敤涓嶅悓绯荤粺锛屾垚鏈皢鍗佸垎楂樻槀銆傛瘮杈冭?瑷?紝灏嗘墍鏈夋暟鎹兘褰掓?鍒颁竴涓腑蹇冩暟鎹簱灏卞鏄撳緱澶氫簡銆傚畠涓哄痉鍥介偖鏀胯妭鐪佷簡澶ч噺璧勯噾銆傚叕鍙告嫢鏈変簡缁熶竴鍙e緞鐨勬暟鎹紝姣忎釜浜洪兘鍙互閫氳繃鐩稿悓鐨勯?寰勬潵浜嗚В椤惧銆?br />
銆??姝e寰峰浗閭斂鍏徃棣栧腑鎵ц瀹樻墍鎸囧嚭鐨勶紝鍒?005骞村痉鍥介偖鏀垮笇鏈涙垚涓虹涓??浠栦滑甯屾湜鍒?005骞村皢鍏跺湪鐗瑰畾甯傚満涓殑浠介鎻愰珮涓??銆?br />


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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thunder has more than 100 million users targeting NASDAQ

"Over the past year, Thunder client software has been in more than 75 million computers on the installation, use, Thunderbolt number of Internet users has more than 100 million!" Yesterday, held high-tech zones in the city "hundreds of Internet companies into the Thunder" event site, Thunder president Zou Shenglong letter to the City Section in charge and the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of nearly one hundred peer Internet announced the news.

Three years, the global focus on achievement download engine "hegemony"

Zousheng Long said the research appeared Thunder can use this Internet industry's largest software download engine, which struggle to find. In early 2003, just incorporated in Shenzhen City Thunder, are catching up with "SARS" epidemic, venture capital to get the original re-opening plans are dashed.

Clearly seen in the Internet industry was the current situation - the field of instant messaging Tencent QQ, online games are big, mailbox areas Netease, the field of search engine Baidu, Google and other strong competitors, the Zousheng Long, Cheng Hao the two founders Thunder finally the main research and development, focusing on the Internet, download engine services.

November 2004, Thunder through research, developed the first generation of independent multimedia search technology based on the download engine, and successfully patented. And, in 2004 the first year of economic recovery in the Internet, technology and the development of the Internet started to download the engine of Thunder, IDG has successfully obtained several million dollar investment.

Thunderbolt "coverage" Global 100 million Internet users

Since 2005, with the Thunder several times to upgrade, improve the download engine software and services, Thunder Thunder also has introduced products, mini-Thunder, WEB Thunder products, entered a rapid growth period.

Zousheng Long said the Thunder software download engine is currently installed capacity is very large, has been ranked first in the world; since 2005, Thunder expanding client is currently a total of more than 75 million units worldwide installed on the computer Thunder download engine; Thunder Download Engine "coverage" of the world's more than 100 million Internet users, with 85% of broadband users in China market share.

Targeting NASDAQ

Thunder in the accumulation of a large number of users at the same time, the website and revenue model also was a breakthrough. This year in June, the full launch of the website Thunder "Thunder-line", its traffic also quickly becoming the nation's top 20 Internet sites, is expected to among the top ten this year. With the site this platform, Thunder began to aggressively into video distribution and value-added services.

"The end of 2004 received an order from the first money earned 6,000 yuan, to the present, Thunder in the profit model on a lot of breakthroughs have been achieved." According to reports, to negotiate with the GDC, from the global digital production and in early August just released the first 3D animation made large, "Bies Magic Ring" was released to the Thunder line, 4 yuan a download fee, with a huge download, and Thunder channels, few days ago, Thunder on the issue of cost recovery. "Since 2007, Thunder will enter a mature stage. Thunderbolt development goals, is listed on NASDAQ in 2008." Zousheng Long says.

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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Youtube Video to FLV Utility

It's most popular and very easy to use YouTube tools. helps you Fast download, convert, play, manage your favorite YouTube videos. If you're a YouTube fan, you'll love YouTube tool! is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet. YouTube tool easily: 1. Fast downloads YouTube videos, 2. Supports unlimited simultaneous downloads (a real time saver!), 3. Automatically names the downloaded video the same as the YouTube title, 4. Converts YouTube videos to various video formats, including Video, DVD, VCD, AVI, MPG, MPEG, Divx, Xvid, WMV, RM, RMVB, MOV, MP4, 3GP, SWF, DAT, H264, VOB, Flash, PDA, M4V, 3G2, AMV, CDA, DV,QuickTime, ASX, TV, VHS, FLV, H264, BDMV, MAC, Apple TV, Zune, iPod, PDA, PSP, PS2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Mobile Phone, Cell Phone, Blackberry, Wii, Laptops, Printers, Palm OS, Pocket PC, PPC, Treo, Psion, EPOC, iphone.
Supports customize or create user's own profile for any new (portable) device. The video conversion supports preview. About Playing Features. Embedded YouTube Video (Offline) Player is available, it supports offline play YouTube video, .flv video and .swf video. Supports "Drag and Drop" video files direct to the main window. Easy to select the source files. Cool UI skin available. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

Recommand Link:

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